Friday, October 10, 2008



Recently formed pro-life youth group, Youth 4 Life, today expressed their profound sorrow and complete disgust at the passing of the 2nd Reading of the Abortion Law Reform Bill in Victoria. After a debate that has stretched 4 days, this morning saw the vote that has effectively legalised the murder of unborn up to 9 months gestation in this State. Prue Neiberding, chairwoman of Youth 4 Life, said today, “I am ashamed to be Victorian on this day. There will be retribution following this passing – when we can murder our most vulnerable in this State, our actions are on a par with Nazi Germany and the names of our Parliamentarians who voted for this despicable bill will go down in history as blackened figures in this infamous debate.” Ms Neiberding went on to say: “There is no difference between the vote as it stands and Option C of this legislation as presented by the Victorian Law Reform Commission, which allows for complete unrestricted abortion. What we now have in our country is abortion on demand up until birth. Two abortionists at the same clinic can, as a mere token towards the law, sign off on a request for abortion at any stage and the bloodthirsty baby killers will park a second Porsche in their garage, thanks to this Bill.” Youth 4 Life, representing the thinking youth of Australia, and in the spirit of the Anzacs, throws down the gauntlet to an industry that spins its money from the blood of our generation. Fighting to expose the abortion trade, Youth 4 Life will lift the lid on the full horrors to be found there. No matter the costs to our reputations, no matter the jail terms, no matter the threats, no matter the criticism, no matter the bullying or the attempts to stifle the pro-life voice of the people, Youth 4 Life will fight this horrific legislation and call an end to this reign of terror against our Australian unborn.  In the next election, Youth 4 Life will dedicate itself to unseating the child-killers in our Parliament. Youth 4 Life have answered the pro-life call to arms and demand that our generation are no longer slaughtered under the thin euphemism of ‘choice’. With a series of rallies, events and street work already planned, Youth 4 Life has launched their campaign to re-establish the criminalisation of abortion and the restoration of a Culture of Life.  For further information regarding this event or the Youth 4 Life movement please contact Ms Prue Neiberding on 0411 563 790.